1. What is it? To put it simply, it's a five-week long contest to see who can have the biggest physical transformation over that time. It will be judged by before and after pictures.
2. Why would I do it? Everyone has their own reasons. For some it's a reason to really focus in and dedicate yourself to see how far you can go. For others, it's a reason to start getting themselves in shape. For others it's an opportunity to win up to $175!
3. What do I get for doing it?
- A full bootcamp membership
- A 50 page Transformation Challenge manual which includes goal setting tips, recipes, workouts and two different meal plans
- Motivational emails which include workout tips and recipes
- Expert guidance with your workouts and nutrition
- Any support you need to get you the results you want
- An opportunity to win up to $175!
4. How much is it to enter? $49 for members and $99 for non-members.
5. What if I need a more individualized approach? I have four spots left for completely individualized meal plans for only an additional $79.
6. How do I sign up?
Go here for members - Members Sign Up
Go here for non-members - Non-Members Sign Up
Go here for the Individualized Meal Plan - Meal Plan
7. When does it start again? We're holding a kickoff meeting this Saturday August 2nd at 1pm at my gym at 2861 Grove Way in Castro Valley.
If you have any more questions, please let me know.
Mitch Rothbardt, CPT, PN Lean Eating Coach, FMS
2861 Grove Way in Castro Valley
I Help People Discover Their Strength!