Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Some Updates

Hello, everyone. Wow, I blinked and it's been a month and a half since an update. Sorry about that. I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still here and I have a few things coming up.

My next three article are all written or at least planned out. The first one appears in the Castro Valley Forum tomorrow and possibly in the San Leandro Times on Thursday. I never know if it will make it into the Times until the paper comes out. Anyway here are the dates and subjects of the next three:

July 14 Forum - July 21 Blog: Outdoor workouts
July 28 Forum - August 4 Blog: The Secret
August 11 Forum - August 18 Blog: The Last 10 Pounds

Let me know if you have any suggestions or questions for these or any ideas for future writing.

Well, since the meet in May my training has pretty much been for s**t. I injured my back the week after the meet and it still is giving me some very weird problems. It's getting better but I have to watch it. It's frustrating because I feel like I've had to waste the last month, specifically with my squat and deadlift.

On the flip side it seems like my bench might be movin' on up a bit. I've tried a couple of new things, going back to dynamic work but structuring it a bit differently and also doing some high rep work in my accessory movements. It feels like it's helping. Last week I hit 320 off a three board with a terrible set-up. I couldn't do a proper set-up with my back feeling like it did, so even though my PR is 325, the 320 felt pretty easy even with the bad positioning. I'll keep going with this and see where we are when I can really get tight again. Right now I am pretty much stuck doing only floor press because laying on a bench with my feet on the floor is very uncomfortable. That's OK though, because the floor press is something that will help me in the lower portion of the bench which is where my weakness is anyway.

Another thing that this injury has forced me to do is re-think my own core training. I'm basically going to start over, focusing on basic anti-extension movements to re-establish better lumbar posture. I'm going to start with the very beginning dead-bug progressions and advance one a week (Read this excellent Mike Robertson article to see what dead-bugs are). I'll also be doing a lot more hip flexor stretching and hip mobility work in general to improve my posture and performance, and to make sure that this injury doesn't happen again.

Anyway, that pretty much catches you up. One more thing, on July 25th Re-Active Gym in Pleasanton, where I work and and where I do my own training is hosting a powerlifting meet. There will be all sorts of lifters competing, both men and women, beginners and elite level. It will be fun and it's free to attend. Come by and say hi! The lifting starts at 10am and the gym is located at 7075 Commerce Circle, Suite B in Pleasanton. Let me know if you need directions or if you have any questions.

I leave you with this. What does it mean? (Make sure your sound is up.)

Mitch Rothbardt, CPT
Discover Your Strength!

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