Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Foam Rolling

In the last few years a few things have really become apparent.

Rush is still the best band in the world, and the fact that dynamic warm-ups are, in many ways, even more important for some people than what is considered the actual workout are two of those realizations.
Another is the wonderfulness of foam rolling.

Our soft tissue has a few layers, one of those layers is called fascia. This is the connective tissue that is between the skin and the muscle. When everything is working well the fascia can move and stretch freely. Sometimes, however, it develops restrictions which are commonly called knots. These restrictions are small little injuries and they inhibit movement. These knots generally develop gradually. So gradually that we barely notice them until we get tightness and pain in the upper back, knees, shoulders and just about everywhere else.

What can we do to prevent this, you may ask. One easy way to help is to listen to Signals on a continuous loop for two days.

This might not help you release the knots, but it will help you release your rock n' roll!

Another way to help is to use a foam roller. These are pretty easy to find. You can order them online at performbetter.com or etitefts.com. Just do a search and take a look. If you live in my area, they carry them at Relax the Back and Busy Body, both in Pleasanton. They run about $25. The standard size is about 5' long and about 6" around. Something like that.

Using one of these things is exactly like giving yourself a massage. It is the kind of thing that hurts like heck at first but as you use it more and more and the knots get healed you start to realize how valuable this thing is.

What happens when you use it is that you are causing a Rush of blood to the damaged areas throughout your body.

Not that kind of Rush!

The blood helps heal the area which in turn, releases the fascial restrictions and you feel and move better. That's it. The key, like most things, is consistent use. Below I have a video of a good foam rolling sequence. In this video he also uses a tennis ball for some areas, which is a great way to get at some of the smaller, hard to reach spots. At first, though, sticking with the roller for those areas is fine. As you get looser and more used to it, get a tennis ball to use. You'll feel the difference.

As always, let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Talk to you soon.

Mitch Rothbardt
(coming soon)

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