Saturday, March 14, 2009

Fitness Fridays!!

Well, I know all of you were waiting very intently to find out what the big announcement was that I told you about in my last post. Well, here it is:

I am very happy to announce that Friday, April 3rd will mark the start of Fitness Fridays! My friend, Massage Therapist Sarah Marie Sonoda (see her website here and I are getting together for a unique one hour package. It will feature a half hour training session with me and a half hour massage with her for only $60. If you pay in advance you will get an additional $10 discount and it will be only $50. We are doing this at Medina's Gym which is at 2365 B Street in Hayward. It will feature a free consultation with me where we will go over your goals, etc. I will make up a customized plan for you and then we will start. If you are interested, please call Sarah at 510-432-2311. You could also call me at 510-754-7113 or email me at (The official procedure is that Sarah will be handling the sign-ups, but I assume if you are reading this then you know me at least a little bit.) We will sign you up and schedule a time when we could meet for our consultation.

We will be doing this at Medina's Gym at 1265 B Street in Hayward. It's a great location. We are really looking forward to getting started and we hope to fill up April's schedule pretty quickly. It's really a great deal.

I am really looking forward to meeting and creating programs for everyone. I will be incorporating a lot of fun things into my sessions, from timed sets to punching intervals to straight sets. Resistance bands, bodyweight, dumbbells. It's really going to be great.

After our session, you will go to Sarah for a 30 minute massage. One thing that we are realizing now is how important soft-tissue work is to overall health. When our muscles get knotted up it can really effect how we feel and move, and many times things happen so gradually that we barely notice it. It's only when the knots are rubbed out of our backs and shoulders we realize how tight we were, and many people don't realize how much tightness in the upper back and shoulders can effect our low backs.

Anyway, I really hope that you out there can join us for what should really be a lot of fun. I will give you any updates as they occur.

Also, a couple of weeks ago, my friend Ross asked me to write up a program for him that focused on surfing. Check back tomorrow if you are interested in the process of how I wrote the initial program and the developments that went into the final one. I think this might give you an idea of the level of thought and commitment that will go into all of the programs I write and sessions that I do.

Talk to you soon!

Mitch Rothbardt
(coming soon)

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