Mitch Rothbardt's thoughts and musings on being a personal trainer, training and other topics noone cares about
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
April 30th Workout
Monday, April 28, 2008
April 28th Workout
Chin-Ups/Curl Grip Pulldowns 12 reps
Step-Ups 12 reps each leg
Dumbell Push Press 12 reps
4 sets with a 60 second rest between each set
I did front squats at 95 lbs through all four sets.
I did my first set with 12 chins, my second set with 8 chins and 4 130 lbs. curl-grip pulldown, 3rd set with 6 and 6, 4th set 5 and 7. I probably could have powered the chins most of the way through, but I felt it was more important to keep the pace up.
I did my first set of step-ups with 32.5 lb. dumbells, my second set I did the first 13 reps with the dumbells and then finished with only bodyweight and the 3rd and 4th set was bodyweight only. Again, I might have been able to power through here, but I wanted to keep the pace up.
I did the push presses with 32.5 lb. dumbells all four sets.
Deadlift 20 reps
Dumbell Bench Press 20 reps
Walking Lunge w/Side Bend 20 reps each leg
Cable Seated Row 20 reps
2 sets with a 60 second rest between them
I did 95 lb. deadlifts, 32.5 dumbell bench press, 10 lb. dumbell walking lunges, 90 lb. cable seated rows. I could probably have gone a little heavier on the bench presses.
Hanging Leg Raise 10 reps
2 sets with a 60 second rest between them
Very good overall today. I might have been able to go a little heavier on a few exercises, but not enough to really make that much of a difference in the overall effect.
I will keep going.
I'm interested in what people think about my emphasis of pace over load. Is it better to push through with a faster pace at a lighter weight or do all of the reps at a slower pace but a more challenging weight?
Let me know what you think. mitchrothbardttraining@yahoo.com
Mitchell Rothbardt
(coming soon)
Saturday, April 26, 2008
April 26th Workout
Thursday, April 24, 2008
April 24th Workout
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Here We Go!
The eventual goal
On a seperate note, thanks for your enthusiastic voting in this weeks poll! It was a real close race to decide everyone's least favorite exercise. It was so close there was actaully a three way tie between the Mangled Larynx Throat Lift, the Olympic Nipple Pull and the Eye Toss. That's tough. As much as I really enjoy doing the other Olympic lifts, my Olympic Nipple Pull numbers have always been pretty bad.
For this weeks poll, in celebration of the Rush concert on May 4th, vote for which Rush song is your favorite. I'll have the voting up until after the show to give everyone time to think about it.
As always, let me know if you have any ideas or comments or questions or tell me to shut up or anything at all. Leave a comment here or email me at mitchrothbardttraining@yahoo.com
Thanks for reading.
Mitch Rothbardt
(coming soon)
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Study Time
Even though it's in the title of this thing, I realized that I haven't actually written about my personal trainer certification studies. Right now I'm going over the nutrition chapter in my study manual. I just finished up the anatomy chapter and, I've got to say, it wasn't easy. I had a basic knowledge going in of the medical names for the muscles and some bones, but geez, there's a lot of these things. 206 bones, for example. It 's not easy and I still have a long way to go before I feel that I know what I'm talking about when it comes to this technical kind of stuff. I think once I start getting into program design and things like that it should be a bit easier because I feel I do have a fair amount of knowledge in that area. (At least I think I do.) We'll see. Overall it's going well, but I do wish I had more study time.
The good news is that before I started studying I took two practice tests. I got a little over 50% on both of them. I took them again last week and I got around 70% on both this time. I think I'll be OK when it comes time to take the test. I still need to take the CPR/ED certification, too.
Only about a week before my fat loss month begins. I'm looking forward to it. I did do a killer fat loss workout this morning mainly to try and adapt some of Alwyn Cosgrove's complex style workouts into something I can actually do at a regular commercial gym. Most of his complexes (by the way, a complex is a number of exercises done right one after another with no break) involve a lot of different types of equipment and it's not realistic to be able to use three of four seperate pieces of equipment at once for an extended period of time at a regular commercial gym.
The one I did this morning went a little like this:
Dumbell Snatch-Overhead Squat - 6 reps
Swiss Ball Rollout - 8 reps (kind of like an ab wheel, except with a swiss ball)
Windmill Lunge - 3 reps (these are lunges done in front, to 45 degrees, straight out to the side, 45 degrees to the back, then straight back. Then do the other leg. In other words, each rep is actually 10 lunges done to different areas.)
One Arm Dumbell Rows - 10 reps
Swiss Ball Wood Chops - 10 reps
5 sets with a 2 minute rest between sets
It was tough but real good. The only change I had to make from it's original form was that the Dumbell Snatch - Overhead Squats were supposed to be done with a barbell. I also could have used a slightly higher weight on the rows. I did everything with 35 lb. dumbells. If you go here: http://www.mensfitness.com/fitness/24 I believe it's actually workout B. You can see pics of all the exercises there, as well.
Before I start, I will take my body fat and measurements and keep track throughout the month.
The other big thing in my workouts lately has been a drastic improvement in my olympic lifts. I feel that I have a good handle on form for most exercises, but starting the olympic lifts has really felt, at times, like flying blind. I have done a lot of video watching and reading and I think I'm really getting a handle on this thing now. About three weeks ago I watched a video that said that 90% of the form problems with these lifts occur right from the set-up (go here to watch: http://www.crossfit.com/cf-info/excercise.html#Oly scroll down to "The Set-Up" parts 1, 2 and 3.) Over the last three weeks or so, I have dramatically improved my set-up and over the last week have improved the whole pull.
The big difference has been in my abililty to know when to really explode and get the quadruple extension through the ankles, hips, back and shoulders. It's not right off the ground. It has been night and day and I look forward to finally seeing some improvement in my numbers here.
For example, this morning after my complex workout, I did a few snatches just for the heck of it. Even being pretty darn tired, I snatch 135 lbs. with not much problem. That had been a number that I could barely reach previously, and then only for one rep, maybe. I felt I had at least two or three more in me this morning. I'm excited. I will continue with the olympic lifts even through my fat-burning month. If I start the workouts with these, I should be able to make some big improvements this month. Not to mention that these are great full body exercises, anyway that can definitely aid in the fat-burning. If you're not a believer, do 10 clean-and-jerks and see if you're breathing normally. (You won't be.)
Check above for some incredible video from the last olympics. The last lift is about a 580 lb. clean and jerk olympic record that the guy gets off the ground like it's a pencil, and then holds it over head and yells to the crowd. Beautiful.
Anyway, thanks for reading. Let me know what you think about all this and certainly let me know if you have any ideas or suggestions or questions.
Mitchell Rothbardt
http://www.mitchrothbardttraining.com/(coming soon)
Thursday, April 10, 2008
A Few Things
1. There's a new poll. Please vote and let me know what you think.
2. In about two weeks, I am completely changing my workouts for about a month. I am going from a hypertrophy-strength periodization cycle to a month long fat-burning extravaganza. I am going to use mainly different kinds of complexes, such as the ones that Alwyn Cosgrove talks about.
Go to http://www.alwyncosgrove.com/ or here http://www.mensfitness.com/fitness/24 for a little taste.
These are very high intensity workouts.
I have incorporated certain aspects of this sort of training into my workouts for a while with very positive results, but this is the first time I will be going full scale into these and only these for an extended period of time.
I will write more about them as I get into them and let you know how it goes.
Rothbardt, out!
Mitchell Rothbardt
(coming soon)
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Hawaii Beach Workout