Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Another Big Bang For Your Core

I love big bang exercises! Get your head out of the gutter, what I mean is exercises that work different things together. Last time we talked about the squat and today I want to talk about another exercise that forces the whole body to work together. I'm talking about the push-up.

Many people think of the push-up as an upper body strength exercise, and it is, but before it can be that it's one of the best core exercises you can do. Let's talk for a second about what our core is supposed to do. It's supposed to stabilize our body so that our upper and lower body can do what we'd like them to do. In the case of the push-up, the core acts as a coordinator between our upper and lower body as everything moves together. Once the core can do that effectively it allows the muscles in our chest, shoulders and triceps to enjoy the full benefits of the exercise. If the core can't do that effectively then what will usually happen is a combination of either sagging or elevated hips, a drooping head, and shoulders jammed up towards the ears.

Here are a few hints to help you get the most out of your pushups.

1. Get your position set first. You want to be in a straight line with your hands under, but slightly wider than your shoulders. You want your head looking down at one spot slightly above your hands. You should NEVER take your eyes off that spot. Take a few seconds in this position so that your body knows where it wants to get back to.

2. Be active with your hands. Try to grab the floor and at the same time try to rotate the floor outside your body like you're turning a doorknob. (You don't actually turn your hands.) This will engage your back which and rotate your elbows slightly downward and give you greater stability.

3. Concentrate on keeping your midsection and glutes tight. This will allow your whole body to work together which, after all, is why this is such a great exercise in the first place!

Let me know what you think and if you need any help.

Mitch Rothbardt, CPT, PN Lean Eating Coach, FMS
2861 Grove Way in Castro Valley
I Help People Discover Their Strength!

Monday, September 15, 2014

Build Muscle, Burn Fat and Improve Your Mobility With One Exercise

Would you like to learn one exercise that can build muscle, burn fat, improve conditioning, mobility and strength and is one that anyone can do? It seems like this must be a magic exercise, no? Well, it's not magic. It's the squat!

Let's start by calming your fears. I've heard many reasons why people shouldn't squat from bad knees to tweaky backs and many others. Here's the thing though, if you can stand up you can squat. The trick is finding the right variation for you. There are many different ones from the box squat (squatting down to a box) to the suspension trainer squat (squatting while holding on to a suspension trainer such as a Jungle Gym or TRX) to the goblet squat (squatting while holding a kettlebell or dumbbell in front of you).  A good trainer will know which one fits your needs and your abilities.

Now why do we squat? Well, simply put, the squat works nearly every muscle in your body from your legs to your core to your back. That makes you stronger and gets your heart rate pumping.

The squat forces your entire body to coordinate with itself. Some parts of your body stabilize while others mobilize and it's all done in a sequential order that breaks down into a very important and fundamental movement pattern. That helps your mobility.

It's pretty amazing how much simple, good quality movement can help people feel so much better and i believe the squat is a crucial part of that.

Let me know what you think.

Mitch Rothbardt, CPT, PN Lean Eating Coach, FMS
2861 Grove Way in Castro Valley
I Help People Discover Their Strength!

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

7 Easy Things You Can Do To Just Get Started

I saw an interesting Facebook post a few weeks ago. It said that most fitness professionals are always preaching to the converted. In other words everything we write or talk about tends to be focused on people that already know about exercise and nutrition at least to some extent. In light of that, I want to talk to the people out there who want to start but don't know what to do. Rest assured, it's really simple and I'm going to give you 7 easy ways to do it.

1. Walk. If you're starting from ground zero then the first step is simply get up and go for a walk. If you never walk, than start going for a nice 20-30 minute walk once a week. It is that simple. The key to all of this is to pick something that you know you can do and build on it.

2. Pick one thing and take it out of your diet 5-6 days a week. Notice how I didn't say to overhaul your diet completely? Notice how I didn't say to take one thing and get rid of it completely? Let's say you have a bowl of ice cream or one of those fancy coffee drinks most days. Choose one and pick one or two days a week where you allow yourself those treats and refrain from them the rest of the time. Again, make sure you pick something you know you can do and build on it.

3. Be honest and realistic about your goals. So many people think they should "lose weight" or "get in shape" just because they think that's what they're supposed to do. Take the time to figure out what you really want and why and you'll have much better chance of meeting your real goals.

4. Have fun. Figure out something you like doing and do that. If you hate walking then maybe that's not for you. If you hate lifting weights then maybe that's not for you. Remember, we're talking about just getting started so let's make it something you enjoy and will stick to.

5. Keep it simple. I know this can be overwhelming but don't let that get to you. It's not as hard as some make it out to be. As a matter of fact the simpler you make it, the better your chance of success.

6. Talk to someone. I don't mean to turn this into some commercial but there are people who specialize in helping people who have never exercised and getting them started in a safe, fun and effective way. Find someone you're comfortable with and that has worked with others like you.

7. Look for improvement, not perfection. Everyone wants, and should want, great results. Oftentimes, however, the feeling that you're so far away from your ultimate goal makes it more difficult just to get started. Just think about getting a little better on a consistent basis. That's more realistic and better for you in the long run. Also, if you do this you'll be shocked how quick results can be in coming. Remember, a watched pot never boils!

When it comes down to it, all of these suggestions have one thing in common: make it as easy as you can to get started. I've read that the success rate of someone who changes one habit at a time is between 70-80%. Two habits at a time is 30-40% and three habits is almost non-existent.

Let me know what you think.

Mitch Rothbardt, CPT, PN Lean Eating Coach, FMS
2861 Grove Way in Castro Valley
I Help People Discover Their Strength!