All I Want for Christmas is...
Hello, everyone! I hope you had a great Thanksgiving! This week, since the Christmas shopping season is officially upon us, I wanted to talk about what I'm sure is foremost on everyone's mind: what to get your favorite fitness columnist (me) for Christmas! Here we go.
1. More people using free weights as opposed to machines. Pretty please?
2. Robert dos Remedios's new book Cardio Strength Training (available Dec. 22). The real way to train for fat loss.
3. People exercising with intensity and purpose. A bad plan done with intensity and purpose will get better results than a good plan done with neither.
4. A Gymboss from A great, cheap and convenient interval timer. Keep those rest periods tight!
5. The ability to have people not shrug their shoulders during rows.
6. More people realizing the true value of health. You can't bring your awesome HD plasma TV to the hospital with you while you recover from heart surgery.
7. A foam roller. If anyone doesn't know what this is or how to use one, do yourself a favor and drop me a line. You will love it.
8. A DVD of Pumping Iron. If you're not ready to lift some weights after seeing this, I don't know what to tell you.
9. A Liftstrong sweatshirt. Liftstrong was first a CD filled with 800 pages of training articles that was put together by the excellent trainer Alwyn Cosgrove after he survived cancer. Twice. All proceeds went to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. A few months ago Dave Tate from started a Liftstrong clothing line. All proceeds also go to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Go to and get a hoodie. They're only $24.95, they're super warm and comfortable and they make you look like you could squat a truck. You're awesome!
10. People understanding the simplicity of good nutrition. Base your diet around lean protein, fruits, vegetables and water and you're 90% of the way there.
11. People finding the fun in fitness.
12. Rush finally getting inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. I know this isn't fitness oriented, but come on! Tom Sawyer! Spirit of Radio! 2112! Xanadu! They should have been in ten years ago!
Anyway, that's about all I have for now. I think what I really want most of all is for people to discover how good exercise can make you feel. I have never heard someone say, "Wow I'm really sorry I did that," after a good workout.
If you need some hints on what to get a fitness enthusiast in your life for the holidays, just drop me a line and I'll see if I can help and don't forget to consult your doctor before beginning any exercise program. I'll talk to you soon.
-from the Castro Valley Forum, December 9 2009 Mitch Rothbardt 510-754-7113
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